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Seniors are now the fastest growing segment of the Canadian population, with their numbers expected to double over the next two decades. By then, one in four people living in Canada will be older than 65 years of age. With many advances in LGBTQI2S human rights, we are now beginning to see more LGBTQI2S seniors ‘out ‘ and proud!

The LGBT community is a heterogeneous group comprised of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals. According to census estimates, there are approximately 335,000 LGBT seniors in Canada, though this figure is understood to be an underestimate. Self-reporting is limited because many LGBT seniors are reluctant to be open about their sexual orientation or gender identity (Tang, 2015).

While many social and legislative changes in Canada have led to a considerable increase in the recognition of the rights of LGBT Canadians, the history of the LGBT community is tainted in Canada and around the world by homophobic discrimination, stigmatization and exclusion by society. Yet LGBT seniors, many of whom were once required to keep their identity or sexual orientation secret, are still afflicted by the consequences of their traumatic experiences; and many forms of discrimination are still ongoing.

Discrimination towards older LGBT adults can be related to numerous factors; for example, as a result of having a sexual orientation that is different from the majority, aging, being a woman, having HIV/AIDS, or identifying with a sub-culture. Such discrimination can have a multiplier rather than a cumulative effect. For certain LGBT seniors, living with multiple forms of discrimination poses additional challenges when they need support from their friends and families, or when they are looking for a suitable place to live This complicates their access to services, such as health care, and has a direct impact on their overall health.

Indeed, there is considerable literature demonstrating that LGBT people experience discrimination in accessing health services. Several studies carried out in the 1990s and early 2000s revealed that older LGBT adults stated that they experienced discrimination in their interactions with health care professionals a situation that appears to be unchanged.



1770 Langlois Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N8X 4M5
Phone: 519-966-5010   Email:
We offer counselling services for individuals, couples, children and youth who are experiencing challenges with relationships, addiction, depression, anxiety, sexuality, separation, divorce, parenting, trauma, self-esteem and emotional regulation and overall wellness. We also provide professional, voluntary and confidential advocacy and support services to families, individuals, couples, older adults and persons with developmental disabilities who need help finding housing, completing forms, or filling out taxes. We also support individuals experiencing hoarding, bullying, or financial distress.

635 McEwan Avenue , Windsor, ONT, N9B 2E9 
Phone: 519-254-1108

Life After Fifty (LAF) is a multi-service organization and registered charity offering wellness opportunities to people above the age of fifty. We accomplish this by coordinating social, recreational, educational, wellness and volunteer opportunities to have people involved and active. We are a membership based organization and do provide some community services.

Life After Fifty has two active living centres in the City of Windsor. Our West Side Centre (WSC) is located on McEwan Avenue and our East Side Centre (ESC) is located in The WFCU Centre on McHugh Street. Both facilities meet convenience and wellness standards, including: street-level locations for accessibility, offers free parking, on a bus route, bike racks, smoke-free and fragrance-free buildings.

8787 McHugh St, Windsor, ONT, N8S 0A
Phone: 519-254-1108

Life After Fifty (LAF) is a multi-service organization and registered charity offering wellness opportunities to people above the age of fifty. We accomplish this by coordinating social, recreational, educational, wellness and volunteer opportunities to have people involved and active. We are a membership based organization and do provide some community services.

Life After Fifty has two active living centres in the City of Windsor. Our West Side Centre (WSC) is located on McEwan Avenue and our East Side Centre (ESC) is located in The WFCU Centre on McHugh Street. Both facilities meet convenience and wellness standards, including: street-level locations for accessibility, offers free parking, on a bus route, bike racks, smoke-free and fragrance-free buildings.

Windsor-Essex Pride Fest
2109 Ottawa Street, Unit #216, Windsor, Ontario, N8Y 1R8
Phone: 226-348-3378
QCONNECT PLUS is an LGBTQ2S+ weekly program for the 50+ community in Windsor-Essex providing opportunities for meaningful social and recreational connections. QCCONNECT PLUS will take place in inclusive, interactive and accessible spaces and will include recreational activities, discussions and workshops as well as meaningful volunteer opportunities. The program will run virtually on zoom until further notice.
Presented by Windsor-Essex Pride Fest, facilitated by Mike Cardinal and fund by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Until further notice, in order to ensure the safety of our community during COVID-19, the program will be operating virtually through a private zoom meeting.

333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ONT
Phone: 416-324-4100

Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) is a province-wide program working to improve access to services and promote the health of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ) communities. We provide valuable resources for all stakeholders including: community groups, service providers, researchers, policy makers and educators.

1770 Langlois Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N8X 4M5
Phone: 519-946-4740
Incorporated in 2006, Windsor Pride Community (WPC) is a charitable organization whose goal is to create a culture of belonging, empowerment and acceptance for Windsor-Essex’s LGBTQ+ community, their families, friends, allies and service providers through the delivery of educational events and workshops, programs and social supports. WPC achieves its mission through education events and workshops to inform and increase understanding of the diversity of biological sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.  Workshops and education events are delivered to teachers, school administrators, social workers, health, and home care and service providers, as well as the business and local governmental agencies. 

2475 McDougall, Suite 245, Windsor, ONT, N8X 3N9
Phone: 519-250-5656

At the Windsor Family Health Team we've taken steps to ensure LGBT people in our community receive culturally sensitive health care services.  Our team regularly receives training on LGBT health matters and are proud to declare our clinic a LGBT positive space.

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